Greetings to the entire crew.
I hope you are well and at peace. I challenge you to invest a few minutes
(just a few: p) to observe a personal view of what I consider to be the MOST
AWESOME HISTORY ever, and that is also the story of each one of us!
I also make a caveat that if it is love that you nurture for life, for
yourselves and those around you and intend to extend this experience as long as
possible, with the conditions and quality they deserve, and if my exposure is
even close to reality, I can assure you that it will surely BE THE MOST
IMPORTANT INVESTMENT you can make right now… and I have nothing to do with it,
I am just a messenger 😊
What I also suggest is that you could stop a little, relax, take some deep
breaths, feel comfortable and serene and look for a place of neutrality where
they can make room for the vision I share, allowing yourself to question the
version of the events that you will have access to. If you want to discard
after a FULL ATTENTION exercise, it is logically your right as a being who
practice free will. You can always, regardless of the veracity you choose to
give or not to this statement, view this exercise as another reflection that
can eventually contribute to expanding perception, like a fictional story.
I decided to go back to the load and write a few more pages of this shared
diary. No, I am not running for public office, nor do I try to massage my ego
or get any other benefit from this continuous action of sharing my thoughts, in
addition to simply give my contribution so that we all reach a successful destination.
Yes, because well rooted in my belief system is the conviction that WE ARE ALL
INTERDEPENDENT BEINGS, so everyone should row to the same side, as one organism, to reach as
destiny, the paradise on earth! This is one of the ways I have managed to
contribute to that purpose.
It can never
be enough to express that any statement or belief i manifest is just an
expression of that, personal beliefs or convictions. And everyone has the right
to create their own and to exercise the FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION that is
supposedly attributed to us! Is not it beautiful? Well, let us be grateful to
have an advantage in relation, for example, with our Chinese brothers who do
not share the same freedom, and let us try to benefit from this privilege
before it is too late. Yes, because if I were in China, after this announcement
with the vision I share, it would certainly disappear from the map.
It is also
part of my convictions that the path to what we can call "TRUTH"
(which will always be relative), is individual and that each one has to walk on
their own feet and build their vision of what will be their " TRUTH".
I believe that there are no magic formulas to quickly access this destination,
which do not involve effort and personal merit. We can have faith in the
message and not even question for trusting blindly, but in that case we will
only perpetuate the illusion. So it would be unreasonable of me to try to
convince someone of something, for many good intentions and reasons that I may
have. As I will have that attention for you, I am grateful that you return the
gesture to me. What it seems to me that we can try to do is to simplify each
other's lives, and when we think we have discovered or observed something that we
consider to be relevant and can serve the common good, we can point the
direction and thus draw attention to those considerations to those who are most
distracted or who simply choose to direct their gaze to other aspects of
reality. Always with the premise that it is up to each person to decide what to
do, or not to do with the information that is being shared.
That said, it
also seems important to mention that the more I discover, the more I realize
that there is more to discover… and the more receptive I am to expand my
perception by accessing more information. In reality, what I think I know is
nothing or almost nothing in relation to what there is to know. And as the
universe is infinite, possibilities and realities seem to be infinite to ... therefore,
it seems to me important to define specific criteria in the search for
information. And again, everyone has a responsibility to develop their own. For
me, there is an expression that I used to say when I was a kid that essentially
defines what my criteria are based on: “what does that contribute to my happiness?
So for me,
what guides me is this search for happiness ... that's my purpose, to BE HAPPY.
I have also realized that this world that I dream and idealize, is not exactly
like the world around me. And what I was also realize is that if I am in fact
committed to participate in the CO-CREATION OF A NEW WORLD, then I need to know
the current world very well… Paralleling with the practice of Coaching, it is
said that there is a process to go from point A (in this case - current world)
to point B (ideal world), and that it is necessary to locate both points well
in time and space so that we can start the trajectory in a realistic and
constructive way, building a well structured plan to achieve this end by the
most efficient and effective way. Well, therefore, carrying this logic of
thoughts to the context where we all find ourselves in this very special phase
of humanity, I realized that to get to point B, it was necessary to unveil this
reality in which we live and I have discovered a lot of things that does not
remind the child Jesus and that takes hours of sleep to the most daring and
resilient of our species.
After this
introduction and the due cordialities thus rendered, we go straight to the
point. This time what motivated me to share more was essentially the idea that
maybe if I dedicated myself a little, I COULD SHARE THE FUNDAMENTAL CONCLUSIONS
OF THIS VERY LONG RESEARCH PROCESS that I have been through and this time with
the SHARING OF SOURCES that will help to better understand the reason for
having such a drastic view of the situation, making life easier for those who
feel the call to do their own investigation and reach their own conclusions. So
at the END OF THE COMMUNICATE I SHARE SEVERAL LINKS of various testimonies,
documentaries, news for all tastes for those who want to explore these issues.
Many other sources that I would like to include have been censored, many others
remain to be explored, but I believe that I already share a lot of fruit to be
picked up! 😉
ARE: (and again it is my vision, I am not responsible if this information is
not well received and / or misdirected)
1- This
epidemic is HUMANITY´S BIGGEST HOAX EVER, which has been programmed and planned
for a long time!
. The Covid 19
virus was manufactured in the laboratory to function as a biological weapon,
probably in the city of Wuhan itself;
. I believe
that the VIRUS IS REAL and that the plan was to be much more lethal, but that
in reality it is similar to a MORE AGGRESSIVE FLU and that does not justify the
measures of confinement and stopping the economy on a global scale that we have
taken ...
some reasons
that led me to formulate this opinion:
1 the data on
the number of deaths this year by covid 19 compared to the number of deaths
from flu in the past years, both nationally and internationally, are
practically similar;
2- If we
compare these deaths with other diseases that humanity is going through, which
cause a much higher number of deaths and that do not mobilize 10% of the
existing efforts to deal with this epidemic to be stopped, it is at least very
3- still in
relation to these data, as part of the manipulation, there are several records
of doctors and specialists that inform that all people who are infected by
Covid 19 and die, regardless of their clinical record, are considered and
registered as Covid deaths 19, which does not make any sense because most of
these people already had more serious illnesses in addition to being an older
4- Another
aspect is that miraculously, the records of deaths with flu this year have
dropped dramatically;
There are more
than I share in the sources I provide…
. This mass
manipulation is orchestrated by what we can call “HIDDEN STATE” (elite of the
richest people on the planet that controls the economic, judicial, education,
political and media systems on a global scale); Now this elite is organized in
secret societies and has an agenda that serves its own interests, which are not
at all compatible with ours; these beings corrupt people by offering
influential positions, wealth, fame and power allowing them to manipulate
people, thus creating more traitors to humanity; after entering these societies,
they cannot leave, being themselves used and manipulated to serve the agendas;
This hidden state has existed since we have records of the history of mankind
having always hidden, in our life experience, its presence and influence; its
main objective is simply to continue to USE US AS THEIR SLAVES, to feed their
lusts and models of life, generating more and more money and power for
themselves and less for the people. A simple way to understand this is that if
these beings wanted our good, they had already eradicated hunger, misery and
wars from this world a long time ago, and they would still remain VERY VERY
RICH, just as we would already have access to cures for the main diseases. of
humanity that have been discovered for ages and that have always been hidden,
such as access to advanced technology as FREE ENERGY, a formula discovered by
Tesla many years ago; Basically, this hidden government should be sent back to
another place in the universe where they had to kill each other to survive,
until they were extinguished. And i believe that will happen, sooner or latter.
These creatures are the real epidemic; but strangely, they too play a role in
the collective awakening, thus serving humanity. They are masters who teach us
through contact with suffering and density;
In order for
this manipulation to be conceivable, it is necessary to understand that a large
part of the COMMUNICATION MEDIA AT THE GLOBAL SCALE serve the interests and
guidelines of this elite, who are basically their “owners”, and thus constitute
an “official” version that serves their agenda. and that does not correspond at
all to what we point to as the truth. Anyone who presents an opinion or theory
that does not go against this official version, is ridiculed, marginalized and
devoid of credibility, associated with the phenomenon of FAKE NEWS or
Many have been
murdered throughout human history for trying to expose this corrupt system and
defend freedom, such as President JFK. In addition to using the media, all
great cooperation with their lobbying exercises great political influence and
many of the politicians of each country around the world are part of this power
structure and are corrupt, therefore not serving the interests of humanity at
all. That is why more and more people do not believe in the system, in
politics, in education… because in reality they have no reason to believe it!
2- At this
time, CENSORSHIP on the part of social networks and YouTube is becoming more
evident, eliminating all information that goes against the official narrative,
as it is considered as simply false ... Now what is the same as saying that the
narratives of the mainstream media and the states of each nation are simply a
reflection of the TRUTH. Any opinion contrary or that raises the possibility
that we have been, or are being, deceived by our political representatives who
have always been excellent human beings, exemplary and endowed with an
undeniable sense of ethics and morals, (all of them in the entire history of
mankind! ), or that calls into question the official narratives of the media
that always, but always told the TRUTH! It is undoubtedly a Fake News or a
conspiracy theory, and therefore it should not even be circulated in order not
to create misinformation ... of course, it is evident! Like the ability of each
one to make their own judgment and practice discernment, that is to say, it
doesn't make any sense!: D and it’s a highway to a dictatorship, not to say
3- This scam is part of a Machiavellian plan that aims to:
. THE CREATION OF A NEW WORLD ORDER, which would constitute
the creation of a single world government with the intention of becoming a
dictatorship (like China) in the future;
DEATH along a process that lasts a few years of about 6 BILLION PEOPLE !!! (through
the effects of the virus itself and the supposed new waves to come, mass
vaccination and 5G technology, with the vaccine having heavy metals and other
substances that would react to 5G radiation). This mass crime is due mainly to
the fact that the elite intend to exercise absolute dominion over humanity and the
resources, and its much more complex to do so with such a large population
density (in reality they are precisely losing control in this precise moment
for the same reason);
implies a stop, a kind of reset with the following main objectives: to
privilege large corporations and to destroy a large part of small and
medium-sized companies; eliminate each country's national production and local
commerce, making nations dependent on large corporations and indebted; move to
a system in which money is virtual and ceases to exist physically, facilitating
control and dominance over the population… etc;
CONTROL OF THE POPULATION (as in China, where there is already a surveillance
camera for every two people, which does facial recognition and tracking of all
people and where even apparently they are already implementing cameras in their
own homes!) . This control would be based on the use of 5G technology and MASS
VACCINATION with the ID2020 vaccine (biometric system) promoted by Bill Gates
that in reality works as a chip that would be mandatory for all humanity! (the
business of the century!)
THE 5G TECHNOLOGY that is advancing down the road under Covid 19 media coverage
and is not even deserving of a serious public debate on this matter, which is
very suspicious since thousands of doctors and scientists have expressed the
view that 5G technology represents a real threat to the health and well being
of humanity as well as an attack on our freedom and integrity and some
countries have even banned this technology. Just to give you an idea, the 5G
technology IS ALREADY USED AS A MILITARY WEAPON to, for example, disperse clusters
of people in manifestations when it does not serve the interests of the system,
raising radiation to levels that are unaffordable by our brain; Please inform
yourself and sign the international petition that is attached;
4- I do not see this scam as something that came from China or any other world power, but that started from this “HIDDEN STATE” that has always been above any nation, always had been behind all wars serving both sides, selling the weapons for both sides, simulating attacks that were apparently valid reasons for countries to come into conflict and always profiting regardless of the results. 9/11 is a beautiful example. It has always created the division, conflict and violence between humanity so that we are increasingly submissive and isolated. They know that unity is strength!
5- The strategy that has always been used to
manipulate us essentially involves:
FEAR and other feelings of more dense vibration such as hatred, stress, anger…
these emotions make us weak, conformed and docile… susceptible to disease,
viruses… are achieved essentially by a set of factors such as the precarious
diet itself it is fostered and carnivorous, (animals that have suffered a lot
and that their dense energy is transmitted after ingesting their body), the
gratuitous violence to which we are always exposed through the conventional
means of communication and Hollywood industry… in these means of communication
interspersed with violence we have essentially entertainment such as soap novels,
football and tv shows, which works perfectly as a complement to maintain a
state of false satisfaction and numbness of the collective;
. THE TEACHING SYSTEM is completely obsolete and out of
place for the reality we want to live in, based on processes of memorization
and competition ... instead of fostering cooperation and creating a base that
allows children and adults to feel safe and guided to express themselves and
explore their abilities guided by their own enthusiasm and motivation, in order
to generate autonomy and empowerment. It turns out that nowadays we all have
Wikipedia in our pocket, what is the logic of a system based on memorization?
Wouldn't it make more sense to adopt a different strategy? Based on
self-knowledge and personal development? Do you still believe in a profession
for a lifetime? Do you really think this belief will contribute to your
happiness? What if you want to change your mind? work on issues such as
resilience, ability to adapt to different contexts, develop a critical spirit
... teach how to fish. And on this planet we can all live in abundance, there
is no need to encourage competition! We should pratice solidarity and give the
hands to our brothers and sisters that walk with us in this journey… I do not
feel that it obeys this format by chance, it is actual a very effective way to
make us feel disconnected, make us believe that we are alone, not capable of
changing significant things in our life, and there for helpless, faithful
submissives, to integrate dissatisfaction in our daily lives and to take away
the pleasure and joy of living, OUR POWER AND SOVEREIGNTY;
. The CAPITALIST SYSTEM in which we live makes sure that
after having been studying for 20 years or more, we are content to dedicate the
rest of our lives to an agenda that does not serve our purpose or our value
system, but that allows us to “EARN LIFE” And make us believe that is very
good! There are many who can't even get a job! Others who live on the street!
Right?? Interesting that the comparison is usually with the ones who is worse
... why not compare ourselves with the most successful and happiest people on
earth? And try to model their examples? Realize how they got to that state and
trace the same path to success, in our own image? And so by going throught this
path tha the systems push us to go, we sell our time and give up our dreams in
exchange for a house, a car and all the amenities inherent in this consumer
We think that we are not able to build our reality in our own way, that we
cannot change anything ... that it is better to stay in a warm and safe house
in quarantine than to even have the audacity to live freely, to dream about
anything. That is for the crazy people
who have no idea of what life is and its dangers, or for the boys of rich
parents who had everything made for them… life is synonymous of sacrifice…
suffering… scarcity… lack ! Of conformity and submission to the existing power
structures because we have no option ... even in the face of blatant aspects like
the shameless corruption of our political leaders, there is no significant
opposition ... have you noticed? It's all right ... it's all natural ... first
it's strange and then it enters itself, right? I believe that perhaps the main
reason is that we think we have no power to generate change… am I wrong? How did
we get to this point of passivity and submission? How do we get carried away in
this intrusion on a global scale ??
On the other
hand, although this epidemic has been orchestrated to serve this dark agenda,
it seems to me that it is having an contrary effect to what is desired at
various levels:
1- The forced
stop is allowing all of us to do a deep work of REFLECTION AND PERSONAL
TRANSFORMATION, analysis and retrospective of how our way of life has been, our
options, how we are facing the different dimensions of our life ... we have the
our dream job? Our intimate and personal relationships are based on our value
system? Do we allow us to follow our enthusiasm at all times in our life? Do we
exercise our freedom and sovereignty? Or do we live under power structures and
models that do not fit with our truth? Are our habits healthy? Do we take care
of our body? Our emotions? Our mind is peaceful? Do we manage our thoughts? Do
we live with optimism? Do we expect the best from this experience? Are we
grateful for all the things we have? Do we face and challenge our fears? And our
relation with death, are we prepared to deal with death? These are some
questions that, in one way or another, a large part of us has been asking in
this period of confinement and that I believe is contributing to a significant
personal transformation;
2- THE
INCONGRUENCES OF THIS EPIDEMIC HISTORY start to be too evident ... many of us
are still far from even considering the possibilities that I present in this sharing,
but perhaps many are already beginning to feel that there is something that
does not fit in this whole story. Others already have an idea of what may be
happening and are more attentive and putting pieces of the puzzle together. And
a minority that is beginning to have prominence, has already done its homework
in order to formulate a very clear personal interpretation of this manipulation
on a large scale and of what is behind it, whether that idea corresponds to the
truth or not. There are always differences in all views, but there are facts
that after being properly observed are indisputable. Some elements of this
minority are determined to do everything in their power to alert the rest of
the crew of these facts and to provoke reflection, a critical sense of each
one… And from day to day this work is having notorious effects!
3- For this
theory that I mention of the elite's plan to achieve the defined objectives, I
feel that it would be necessary at least 1 YEAR WITH ECONOMY STOPPED and the
population of all countries in QUARANTINE, giving the time for the mass
vaccination to occur and the implementation of 5G technology. They were not
expecting people to start putting pieces together, to think for themselves and
not to comply with the guidelines of their governments. In reality, we still
have the most sophisticated machine on the planet on our shoulders! (at least
compared to what we know) Manifestations are already beginning to take place in
several countries around the world. And more and more, scientists, doctors,
journalists, politicians, etc. are beginning to feel more encouraged and
supported to manifest themselves, contributing each one in his own way to
deconstruct this great scam;
Interestingly, for many it may be a shock what I am going to say, just as it
was for me, but the people are not completely helpless… We have the US
president determined to expose and deconstruct this Deep State and its agenda.
Trump was not the president that the elite elected and a good way to verify
this is the lack of support that he has always had from the media. And with him
in this mission are other great leaders such as Vladimir Putin. This
“resistance” is the result of a work that apparently has more than 30 years
(since the days of JFK- the alliance) that consisted of gathering resources,
evidence, allies with political and economic influence and power that did not
accept to submit to the rules of the empire that the elite built it, and they
were preparing the ground to be able to expose and hide this hidden state at
the right time ... that time is coming ... and this epidemic is being used to
benefit this plan;
5- What I
believe will happen is that very soon there will be evidence that will be
released by Donald Trump that VIRÚS WAS CREATED IN A LABORATORY probably in
Wuhan, having been the result of a CHINESE GOVERNMENT WAR STRATEGY, with the
financial support of Dr Anthony Fauci and the OBAMA administration, with the
connivance of the World Health Organization (of which its director Tedros
Adhanom committed crimes against humanity in his past) and the FOUNDATION OF
BILL GATES (who is curiously one of the great funders of WHO). All of these
links are being investigated by the Trump administration, which has already cut
funding to the World Health Organization, opened an investigation to ascertain
the origin of the virus, has publicly announced that the Obama administration
has oddly transferred $ 3.8 million a while ago back to the famous Wuhan
laboratory, it has already reported that Bill Gates vaccines will not have the
backing of the US government and has also opened a process to analyze whether
they could have any harmful effect on public health; What I see and hope will
happen is that, at the right time, the evidence that proves this scam and
exposes all this mass manipulation and that inevitably will denounce all the
corruption behind this epidemic, the entire history of humanity…It would be a
big step for the end of the hidden state;
6- With some luck,
and if we behave well, even in our lifetime, advanced technologies that have
been available for a long time but have always been restricted to us in the
field of medicine (like the cure for most of the diseases of humanity), the access
to free energy that will completely revolutionize the global economic system,
technology to clean up the pollution of our planet and other possibilities,
everything can be will be definitely a new world!
When this scam
is unmasked, (and it will) believing that a good percentage of the population
is already prepared, empowered and properly informed, aware of the world that
wants to create, I believe that this percentage will help the rest to fit the
pieces and the success in this war will be inevitable! There may be
retaliations… there may be more catastrophes… THE HIDDEN GOVERNMENT IS
DESPERATING WITH THE NARRATIVE UNVEILING… but quickly, from the moment the
light is turned on and the eyes are opened, the darkness ceases to exist. This
hidden government has power only because we give it to them, we feed dense
feelings and this corrupt system.
TAKE: If we stop doing it, if we rescue and apply that power in our lives
through practical measures like turning off the televisions, searching for
information on the internet (which is impossible no matter how much they try,
filtering all the information for being open source) , encourage the local
economy, give more importance to values, the family, simplicity, lightness and
freedom and less to money and personal assets, cultivate a close relationship
with nature and animals based on respect, giving more strength to the energy of
love and putting fear in its place… taking care of ourselves above all, of our
health, mind and well being… nurturing thoughts of optimism and joy
grateful and trust in life… fearless and grounded in the present moment…to follow
our enthusiasm and dream again! Never stop dreaming! Believing in our potential
and that everything is possible ... I believe that if we follow these simple
recipes, there are no limits to our abilities and achievements.
One of the
biggest challenges will be to restore our society based on universal values,
based on cooperation and fraternity. But I believe that if the right conditions
are created, this change can be very fast because I believe that the nature of
the human being is inherently good. In this process, it seems to me important
that we share our vision ... Without fears, without judgments, without
censorship ... learning to receive and integrate other opinions, views that may
be different from ours, is very healthy and constructive! We just have to learn
to respect the difference, biodiversity ... that's what generates resilient
organisms. On that basis, share your comments… if you have a completely
opposite view, but feel like sharing it, share it! If you think I am
hallucinating, know that I am perfectly at peace with this but avoid making
judgments of value please and try to justify your opinion so that the dialogue
can take place.
I feel that
what we are going through will be a mark in THE HISTORY OF HUMANITY! It is a
privilege to be able to take an active role in this story… and everyone can do
it! what a beautiful story to tell our grandchildren! 😉 Don't think that your action doesn't make a difference ... It's really
what makes all the difference! It is very important that we try to take
responsibility what we are going through, face adversity as opportunities for
growth and be proactive in this revolution!
Attached are several sources that meet the points covered in the statement:
documentary: the best way to get a holistic view of this situation – highly recommendable
On containment
Nobel prize
winning scientist Prof Michael Levitt: lockdown is a “huge mistake”:
30% infected with covid contracted the virus at home
30% infected with covid contracted the virus at home
Records of covid deaths 19. Comparison with other diseases, including influenza: all infected death records are recorded as covid deaths 19
Flu kills worldwide, between 350,000 and 650,000 people every year.
In Portugal, he liquidated around 4 thousand at the time
"2017-2018" and around 3300 in 2019. 2014 was an even more
complicated year, with about 5,500 deaths!
Knowing that the mortality curve is on its final straight, both in one case
and in another, these are numbers that COVID-19 will never reach.
And, with the exception of one country or another, where almost all deaths
are being classified as COVID-19 (and even in those), in an outbreak of pure
fraud, the scenario is repeated.
Graph showing drastic drop in the number of deaths from influenza this in
the US
scam- inconclusive
tests - unreal records covid deaths
lies about epidemic statistics
comparison of this
year's covid deaths with flu deaths from years past
interview with dr
and senator Jensen number of cases and deaths - misreported records
die with the virus
or the virus?
Italy discovered
the WHO mafia and fake death numbers by Covid 19
Covid 19 is a scam? 12 experts question the official narrative of covid 19
embuste/ vacine dr shiva
embuste/ vacine dr shiva
is corona vírus even real?
is corona vírus even real?
censored solution for covid?
Covid 19 virus made
in the laboratory:
Covid 19 is like an aggressive flu Knut Wittkowsky, one of the greatest epidemiology experts in the world, stating that Covid-19 flu is not unlike any other flu:
new world order
Rockefeller admitted the elite's goal is a 100% microchipped and enslaved World
russia oficial
russia oficial
Orwell 1984
JFK to 9/11
JFK to 9/11
bill gates
bill gates- work Monsanto vandana shiva
lucros da vacina dr Anthony Fauci
porquê que a vacina não é a solução
porquê que a vacina não é a solução
Doações filantrópicas da fundação Gates é uma farsa
a vacina do bill gates – id2020
vacina de bill gates
imunólogo e professor universitário de medicina Ian Frazer- não há nenhuma vacina para o corona vírus e o mais provável é nem vir a existir
bill gates financia microship em humanos
porquê que a india esta a bloquear fundos da fundação gates
como bill gates monopoliza saúde global
Bill Gates & Monsanto destroem agricultura em africa
Dr. Raoult Calls On Africans Not To Take Bill Gates’ Covid – 19 Vaccine
porquê que a fundação de bill gates investe em Monsanto?
As vacinas de Bill Gates matam mais do que previne doenças
Televisão estatal da Russia expõe teoria que posiciona Bill Gates por tras da epidemia
bill gates- work Monsanto vandana shiva
lucros da vacina dr Anthony Fauci
porquê que a vacina não é a solução
porquê que a vacina não é a solução
Doações filantrópicas da fundação Gates é uma farsa
a vacina do bill gates – id2020
vacina de bill gates
imunólogo e professor universitário de medicina Ian Frazer- não há nenhuma vacina para o corona vírus e o mais provável é nem vir a existir
bill gates financia microship em humanos
porquê que a india esta a bloquear fundos da fundação gates
como bill gates monopoliza saúde global
Bill Gates & Monsanto destroem agricultura em africa
Dr. Raoult Calls On Africans Not To Take Bill Gates’ Covid – 19 Vaccine
porquê que a fundação de bill gates investe em Monsanto?
As vacinas de Bill Gates matam mais do que previne doenças
Televisão estatal da Russia expõe teoria que posiciona Bill Gates por tras da epidemia
World Health
Organization director Tedros Adhanom is accused of crimes against humanity?
dr fauci
dr fauci
About China's
experimental model
lobby da edp (mais 30% pertence à china) na política
China e cumplicidade Organização Mundial de saúde
sistema crédito social da china
capitalismo de vigilância
cumplicidades entre a China e Organização Mundial de Saúde
crescimento e ascensão da China
Governo comunista instala cameras dentro das habitações dos cidadãos
China força países atingidos por vírus chinês a se ajoelharem diante da Huawei¬if_t=feedback_reaction_generic&ref=notif
Dangers of 5G
petição 5g
perigos 5g: Is this really the future YOU want for yourself and your children?
noticia publico
no estado de quarentena, sem existir no mínimo um debate público- Resolução ministros aprova a utilização da tecnologia 5gégia+e+calendarização+da+distribuição+da+quinta+geração+de+comunicações+móveis&fbclid=IwAR3OTLQqRV6ylwgBtAhJROcsNvCrNZHTluqgbOUKgx7uyl2pWLvUBIVDjuM
entrevista perigos 5g
António Guterres, secretário geral das Nações Unidas desconhece os perigos da 5G
perigos 5g: Is this really the future YOU want for yourself and your children?
noticia publico
no estado de quarentena, sem existir no mínimo um debate público- Resolução ministros aprova a utilização da tecnologia 5gégia+e+calendarização+da+distribuição+da+quinta+geração+de+comunicações+móveis&fbclid=IwAR3OTLQqRV6ylwgBtAhJROcsNvCrNZHTluqgbOUKgx7uyl2pWLvUBIVDjuM
entrevista perigos 5g
António Guterres, secretário geral das Nações Unidas desconhece os perigos da 5G
Apelo internacional para
parar 5g
Tecnologia 5G usada como arma militar?…
Visão Dr Thomas Cowan em relação à 5G E RELAÇÃO COM VACINA
o que é a tecnologia 5g e quais os seus perigos? Jornal económico…/o-que-e-a-tecnologia-5g-e…
Retired President Of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg 5G Wireless IS NOT SAFE…
Tecnologia 5G usada como arma militar?…
Visão Dr Thomas Cowan em relação à 5G E RELAÇÃO COM VACINA
o que é a tecnologia 5g e quais os seus perigos? Jornal económico…/o-que-e-a-tecnologia-5g-e…
Retired President Of Microsoft Canada, Frank Clegg 5G Wireless IS NOT SAFE…
Censura no you tube e redes
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censura nas redes sociais…
Censura no you tube…/youtube-eliminara-videos-sobre-t…/…
censura Facebook sobre vacinação…/facebook-owner-admits-to-cong…/…
censura informação- redes sociais são uma ameaça à liberdade: George Soros…/redes-sociais-sao-uma-ameac…
censura: o governo devia decidir o que as pessoas publicam nas redes sociais…/soros-joins-pelosi-in-atta…
How to raise
vibration and develop immunity:
Discurso Bashar…
imunidade por elevar a vibração- trigueirinho…
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imunidade por elevar a vibração- trigueirinho…
Energia livre, o grande segredo oculto à humanidade…
Dr Bruce Lipton o impacto da felicidade na saúde e bem estar
melhor forma de prevenir futuras epidemias? Parar de comer animais…/the-best-way-prevent-future-pand…
20 antibiótico naturais para fortalecer o sistema imunitário…/20-antibioticos-…/…
Corona Virus e o sol…/coronavirus-and-the-sun-a-lesson-from-…
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