
Greetings to the entire crew. I hope you are well and at peace. I challenge you to invest a few minutes (just a few: p) to observe a personal view of what I consider to be the MOST AWESOME HISTORY ever, and that is also the story of each one of us! I also make a caveat that if it is love that you nurture for life, for yourselves and those around you and intend to extend this experience as long as possible, with the conditions and quality they deserve, and if my exposure is even close to reality, I can assure you that it will surely BE THE MOST IMPORTANT INVESTMENT you can make right now… and I have nothing to do with it, I am just a messenger 😊 What I also suggest is that you could stop a little, relax, take some deep breaths, feel comfortable and serene and look for a place of neutrality where they can make room for the vision I share, allowing yourself to question the version of the events that you will have access to. If you want to discard after a FULL ATTENTI...